Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sports Photography - Cross Country and Volleyball

Busy day on Saturday. Started off with cross country in Boston.  It was a nice cloudy day so I thought that I would be smart and set the white balance and be done for the day. Wrong.  Moving from open field to wooded shade threw everything off and it was a pain to fix it afterwards.  Got to remember that just because their are not clouds coming in and out, or I'm moving from front lit to back lit, does not mean that the white balance can change.  Overall not a bad set, but I need to work on getting more variety in the shots.

After the meet it was a race to get to the suburbs to catch a volleyball game at Regis College.  This was a meet where they had two games running next to each other.  That, the short time to get there,  and high wood ceilings meant no strobes for me.  I was left to shoot in horrible lighting, with little room to sit where I could since the teams were on one side of the court and being on the other side meant your back was to the other game.

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