Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Event and Sports Photography - Running and Superbowl Sunday (sort of)

Started Sunday with a half marathon event. Posted at the finish so a pretty straight forward task.  Luckily the 40° weather didn't include the rain they were predicting.  They reserve that for New Hampshire marathons.  Saw a couple of old friends and someone from the home state, which is always nice.

Betsy Grunden from college Tina Wang from the old neighborhood in Lincoln From the home state
Then is was off to the Superbowl, flag football Superbowl, for 3-5th graders.  Close game and good lighting, plus my team won, which always makes it better.  Last year they lost and the other team cheated the whole time (according to the players). This year, as winners, there was no mention of cheating.  Funny how that works.


Monday, November 18, 2013

Sports Photography - Basketball and Soccer

Saturday was a double header with Men's Soccer NCAA at 5 and then a sprint to the gym for a 7pm basketball game.  The soccer was a bit of a blow out, 3-0, and very one sided.  And had to be played at night, in the cold, instead of during the day when it was 60.  

Basketball was also somewhat of a blowout, the winning team was about double the score of the losing team, but was pretty energetic the whole time.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Sports Photography - Basketball

Friday night light, but not the usual kind.  A women's basketball game as the Winter season gets underway.  Low lights, that cycle, and vary across the court. How much better can it get than that.  For a while the underdog was actually leading the game, but the favored team pulled ahead and went on to a comfortable win.


Monday, November 11, 2013

Sports Photography - Volleyball

Most Fall sports are finishing up, but volleyball always goes longer.  This one was frustrating as I went to the wrong gym, then got bad directions to the right gym, couldn't find the gym on the campus map, couldn't find the gym online, but finally was able to ask someone where it was.  It was the building I was next to, the one with no visible sign.

Pretty straight forward game, but I will say that the level of play was higher than usual. A lot more emotion on this one as well, which is nice to capture.  Adds energy to the photos.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Sports Photography - Ice Hockey

It has definitely been a rough month with all of the house building going on. Only able to get out to a couple of volleyball games and a few kid games.  Friday, though, I was able to get to a ice hockey game. Yes, Winter sports are here. The fall sports are still in the tournaments, with volleyball going later than the others, but since most of my teams didn't make the tournaments it is on to Winter.
A good game overall, but my enjoyment of a game, and shooting the game, is always inversely proportional to how well the photographs turn out.  Since I had fun shooting, the pictures were mediocre at best.